Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Recipe of the Month - Heart shaped shortbread

Makes approximately 30 biscuits. Just as well as they never last very long around here.
1 lb. unsalted butter
1 lb. plain flour
12 oz. icing sugar
8 oz. cornflour


1. Cream the butter and icing sugar together until soft but not too soft.
2. Add the flours and beat together for 2-3 minutes.

3. Knead together and roll out thickness required. Cut out using heart shaped cutter, prick with a fork and bake for 12-15 minutes. Do not let allow to brown; the shortbread should be white in colour.

4. Remove from oven and dust with caster sugar. Remove from the tray after 2 minutes and cool on a wire rack.

TOP TIP: Shortbread benefits from cold hands and shouldn’t be handled too much. Otherwise the dough becomes too sticky.

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