Monday, 19 September 2011

National Red Squirrel Week 1st - 9th October

2011 has been a positive year for the red squirrels of Angus and Perthshire. With the help of estates such as Glamis Castle and the dedication of volunteer supporters, Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels has been able to tackle the grey squirrel invasion and carry out a Tayside-wide survey of squirrel locations throughout the year. Signs are promising that greys have been ousted from some woodlands where they had taken over and reds are moving back with an encouraging increase in breeding numbers.

To celebrate this positive news National Red Squirrel Week will be promoting red conservation between the 1st and 9th October. Glamis Castle will be joining in with an early morning squirrel walk and talk led by Ken Neil the SWT Red Squirrel Project Officer for Tayside. 

The event will begin at 08:00 on the 2nd October with bacon rolls and hot drinks provided in the Victorian Kitchen Restaurant after we come in from the cold. So come and share breakfast with some of Scotland's favourite wild animals.   

£4.35 ( which includes the bacon butty and tea/coffee)  



Thursday, 1 September 2011

Getting ready for Scotland's Countryside Festival at Glamis Castle 3rd & 4th September..

Staff members help move the marquee for Glamis Castle stand at Scotland's Countryside Festival this weekend.
Visit our stand for forthcoming event info. competitions, and the chance to win tickets for Halloween at Glamis.